Attention runners – it’s time to talk about one of the biggest myths out there in the running community: thin = fast.  Where does this idea of thin = fast come from? For some athletes, this concept may have first been introduced by a well-meaning coach or a parent. For others, the media may be […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

April 4, 2022

Why Thin Does Not Equal Fast

Image of two women and one man running. Only the torso down of the runners is shown. The runners are in hoodies and black pants. The group is running across a metal bridge outside.

It’s easy to fall victim to the mentality that we need to constantly focus on lowering our body fat and changing the shape of our bodies. Social media is plastered with images of men and women with bodies that are “shredded” these days. Many of us know that having a really high body fat percentage […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

January 24, 2022

Body Fat: How Low is Too Low?

Image of a blue measuring tape that is partially unrolled against a pink background

Bone health is often something we don’t pay much attention to when we’re young. We don’t typically think about the importance of it until we age and the consequences become our reality. Unfortunately, in contrast, the majority of the impact that we have on our bone health occurs at a much younger age. In fact, […]

Eating Disorders, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

November 29, 2021

Bone Health and Injury Prevention

Under-eating goes way beyond hunger pangs. One big sign of under-eating is developing a lack of control around food. Calories matter because they have the important job of keeping you alive. Cutting calories to the point where you’re not getting enough can negatively impact your overall health in big ways. Under-eating can disrupt your hormones, […]

Eating Disorders, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

November 21, 2021

A Lack of Control Around Food: A Sign that You’re Under-Eating

non-diet dietitian today

By Ashley Dimon, Dietitian & Sports Nutrition Volunteer Is there a chance that you are over-training and under-eating? Consider the following. Are you constantly thinking about food? Do you often feel tired or irritable? Do you often have stress fractures or injuries that won’t heal? Hair loss? Irregular or loss of your menstrual cycle? These […]

Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

June 29, 2021

Signs You Are Over-Training and Under-Eating

A combination of overtraining and underfueling is the most common cause of low energy availability.

By Lexi Moriarty, MS, RD, CSSD & Ashley Dimon, Sports Nutrition Volunteer Depending on your circles, you may’ve heard low energy availability (LEA) RED-s (relative energy deficiency in sport), but you may not be sure exactly what they mean. So, I want to take a few minutes to break it down for you here! Here […]

Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

March 2, 2021

What Every Active Person Should Know about Low Energy Availability & RED-S