Here’s how I can help...

Book a Discovery Call

Initial Onboarding Session: When were ready to get started, we will get you all scheduled with your initial consultation and invite you to my exclusive app where we will do all of our communication between appointments. The onboarding session is 60 minutes where we will do a deep dive into your current diet and habits, what’s been holding you back, and set goals for our work ahead together.



Other Ways to Work Together

Ongoing Support. My programs are set up to support YOU. You won’t left to your own devices in between sessions. Instead, you’ll have full access to me for questions, concerns, feedback, and suggestions. Changing your diet and lifestyle can be hard work! We go at a pace that’s comfortable to you while ensuring you have all the support and guidance that you need.  

Nutrition Coaching & Counseling Services

Schedule a Free Consult

 It’s time to discover the peace and confidence with food,
exercise, and your body that you deserve. Nutrition doesn’t have to be confusing! The rest of your life is a long time to let calories, workouts, or your weight dominate your thoughts and actions. It’s also not fun to deal with low energy levels, hormone or digestion issues, or guilt after eating.
It doesn't have to be this way! Let's dive into how we can work together…

I help my clients implement a highly personalized nutrition and lifestyle approach so they can stop overthinking food, eat with confidence, and enjoy food and life more. High level 1:1 support through nutrition counseling and coaching is available for disordered eating, sports nutrition, RED-S recovery, intuitive eating, and digestion and hormone related concerns.

As non-diet Sports Dietitians, we specialize in performance nutrition, digestion and hormone concerns, body image, disordered eating, and intuitive eating.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Interested in having me speak
to your group or team?

We offer group and team presentations on the following topics...
- Intuitive Eating for Active Women
- Performance Nutrition for Athletes
- Fueling the Female Athlete
 - Sports Nutrition for Parents & Coaches

I also offer presentations on specialized topics within the areas of sports nutrition, eating disorders, low energy availability issues, and intuitive eating.

Let's Connect

How Do I Get Started? 

How Do I Get Started? 

Click here to let us know what you're looking for support with. From there, we’ll email you a personalized approach for how we can support you and your goals.

What does an initial session look like? How long do we work together?

What Happens in an Initial Session?

During our 60-minute initial session, we’ll do a deep dive into your eating history and what’s been holding you back. Then, we’ll talk about your big picture goals, what success will look like for you, and identify specific areas of nutrition that we’ll work on together in future sessions. From there, we'll figure out the best steps forward to get you started. You’ll walk away from your initial session with clear steps to start making positive changes to your diet, mindset, or behaviors.

Because your success is so important to us, we recommend that most clients commit to at least 6 weeks of work together.

Do you accept insurance?

Do you accept insurance?

Do you work with weight loss?

Do you work with weight loss?

How much does it cost to work together? 

How much does it cost to work together?

Where are you located? Can we meet virtually?

Where are you located? Can we meet virtually?

Currently, we are seeing all clients virtually through video sessions within our client portal or through facetime. However, we hope to be back to in-person sessions sometime in the future.

Have another question?

Have another question?

Send me an email and I’ll do my best to back to you within 24-48 hours!

How do I set up an initial appointment?

How do I set up an initial appointment?

We tailor all of our services to each individual clients needs. Please fill out this New Client Contact Form and we will be in touch within 24-48 hours with a detailed proposal on how we can work together. If you don't see an email from us within that time frame, please be sure to check your spam folder or reach out.

If you have additional questions that you'd like answered on a call, we ask that you set up a free consult  to discuss your individual needs and how we can work together. This way, we can have everything figured out prior to your initial session. For these consults, we block out 30 minutes but often don’t need that much time to discuss logistics and get you started!

Ready to get started? Here’s how it works.

Ready to get started? Here’s how it works.

1.  We want to get to know you: To get started, you’ll fill out our New Client Contact Form so I can learn more about you and how I can best support you. We'll send you over a new client proposal with all of the details you need on how we can work together. 

2.  Initial Onboarding Session: When we're ready to get started, we will get you all scheduled with your initial consultation and invite you to our app where we will do all of our communication between appointments. The onboarding session is 60-90 minutes where we will do a deep dive into your current diet and habits, what’s been holding you back, and set goals for our work ahead together.
3.  Ongoing Support. Our programs are set up to support YOU and your individual needs. You won’t left to your own devices in between sessions. Instead, you’ll have full access to me for questions, concerns, feedback, and suggestions. Changing your diet and lifestyle can be hard work! We go at a pace that’s comfortable to you while ensuring you have all the support and guidance that you need.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

Interested in having me speak
to your group or team?

We offer group and team presentations on the following topics...
- Intuitive Eating for Active Women
- Performance Nutrition for Athletes
- Fueling the Female Athlete
 - Sports Nutrition for Parents & Coaches

I also offer presentations on specialized topics within the areas of sports nutrition, eating disorders, low energy availability issues, and intuitive eating.

Let's Connect