We all know that our diet and eating habits play a big role in our overall health. If you are an athlete or active person, your eating habits also play an essential part in your training and progression. However, with messages all around telling us what and how much to eat, it can become hard […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

November 15, 2022

Signs You Should Change Your Eating Habits

When you hear “clean eating”, does it procure images of green juices, spinach salads, or organic smoothie bowls in your head? Either way, “clean eating” is probably not a new or unfamiliar term for you. Despite being news of the past, this seemingly innocent term persistently circulates the internet, social media, and our social circles. […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized

October 31, 2022

Why Clean Eating is NOT Actually Healthy

What is a DEXA scan? Do I need to get one? In honour of World Osteoporosis Day last week on October 20th, let’s talk about bone health. Healthy bones are essential to living a long and quality life. Thus, we should make it a priority to take care of our bones. If you are looking […]

Eating Disorders, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

October 24, 2022

Should You Get a DEXA Scan?

It’s Monday and you feel like you ate a little too much food at that BBQ on the weekend. You feel guilty, but you tell yourself you will “make-up” for it over the next couple of days. You may decide to eat a little less or exercise extra hard to “burn it off”… We are […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized

August 22, 2022

Why You Don’t Need to “Burn Off” Your Food

Diet culture can lead you to believe that exercise is a tool for weight loss and nothing else. However, there’s no doubt that there are lots of great reasons to move your body. When the sole reason you are exercising is to change your body, exercise can feel like a miserable chore. It doesn’t have […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

August 15, 2022

Reasons to Exercise Other Than Weight Loss

yellow dumbbells, blue water bottle, blue scale, green jump rope, against a pink background

Assessing your Relationship with Movement We have all heard that regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. There’s no doubt that physical activity does the body good. For example, exercise can reduce risks of cancer, heart disease, and type II diabetes. It can also boost our mood, stress tolerance, and sleep quality. […]

Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

August 8, 2022

What is Joyful Movement?

Athletes face unique challenges in eating disorder recovery. In addition, the medical and psychological consequences of eating disorders may affect an athlete’s ability to safely participate in their sport. Athletes suspected to have an eating disorder should put sport participation on hold. Until an assessment is made by a mental health professional, they should stay […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

July 18, 2022

Eating Disorder Recovery and Sport Participation

There are a few body and eating related comments that come to mind from my own days as a high school athlete: “Hold that plank a little longer– c’mon, it’s bikini season!” “Did we have too much pie this Thanksgiving? You all are running slow!” “If you would lose weight, it would help you run […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

June 27, 2022

Tips for Coaches: Avoiding Body Related Comments

Women's Health

It’s important for coaches to know that disordered eating and eating disorders are not uncommon in athletes. These behaviours tend to be most common in sports with weight classes (ex. wrestling and rowing) or aesthetics (ex. bodybuilding and gymnastics). In these sports, 33% of male athletes and 62% of female athletes experience disordered eating. Coaches […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

June 20, 2022

Tips for Coaches: Detecting and Preventing Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Loving your body can be hard for anyone. For athletes, things can get even more complicated. Let’s talk about why athletes are at a higher risk of body image issues and the steps you can take to start loving your body as an athlete. The Sportsman Mentality There are some common personality traits among athletes. […]

Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

June 13, 2022

Loving Your Body as an Athlete