
Do you ever feel stressed when you think about planning meals for your family? It gets even more hectic when you try to track calories and macros. Balancing nutritional needs for young athletes, yourself, and the rest of the family isn’t easy either. Throw in meal prep for teenage athletes, and it makes it even […]


June 3, 2024

How to Plan Family Meals Without Counting Calories or Macros

Two young children in the kitchen making dinner.

As a pasta lover, it may be hard to decide on a “healthier” choice without sacrificing flavor. Wheat pasta was praised for being the healthiest option for a long time, but that’s where a new contender comes in chickpea pasta. But is chickpea pasta healthier than wheat pasta? Let’s compare the two to see. Key […]


May 20, 2024

Is Chickpea Pasta Healthier Than Wheat Pasta?

In this article, we dive deep into the idea that healthy eating can go too far and in some ways, can develop into an eating disorder in itself.

ACTIVE WOMEN & FEMALE ATHLETES, Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, REDS, DISORDERED EATING & EDS, RUNNERS, Uncategorized, Women's Health

April 22, 2024

Is Being Obsessed With Healthy Eating an Eating Disorder?

The partial face of a woman looking down at her green smoothie.

A registered dietitian (RD) undergoes many years of school and training before they can qualify to take their RD credentialing exam. Many people do not realize that in order to become a certified sports dietitian, a dietitian has to do even more training. In order gain the Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) credential a […]

Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

January 3, 2024

Top 5 Reasons To Work With a Sports RD 

Sport Nutrition Waterbottle Salmon Avocado Jumrope

We have approached the time of the year when everyone is thinking about their New Year’s resolutions to improve themselves for next year. Most of these resolutions will include weight loss or increased exercise routines with the goal of better health. If you’re starting to include exercise into your routine this year, you may ask […]


January 2, 2024

Should You Eat Before An Early Morning Workout?

Gabin Vallet

In my latest interview with DeliveryRank, we talked all about where things started, where they’re going, and the mission behind Fueled + Balanced Nutrition. My passion for sports nutrition and helping active individuals stems from my own personal journey. The innocent desire to eat healthier as a runner “quickly spiraled into unintentionally under fueling my […]


September 26, 2023

Fueled + Balanced Nutrition Interview Sneak Peak

By now, social media has integrated itself into our daily lives. Systems like screen time limits and self imposed timers may help us decrease our screen time and exposure to social media. However, at the end of the day, if you’re surrounding yourself with a toxic online environment, no matter how little time you spend […]


September 11, 2023

Edits for a Better Body Image – How Social Media Impacts Body Image

Have you ever ignored a missing or irregular period thinking it was a normal part of training for a sport as a female athlete? Have you ever considered a missing period when training as a badge of honor that you are training hard? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not […]

Eating Disorders, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

September 4, 2023

Female Athletes: Is a Missing Period Due to Exercise?

When you hear the word “fitness” or “fit” what comes to mind? For many, toned bodies, six-pack abs, and “clean” diets are some of the first images that we think of. Thanks to diet culture and toxic fitness culture, the meaning of “fitness” has become so convoluted over time. Fitness and being “fit” is often […]


June 20, 2023

What Does it Mean to Be “Fit”?

What is the “Eating Disorder Voice”? The “eating disorder (ED) voice” is what we call the voice in someone’s head that drives their eating disorder. It is the voice that is responsible for negative thoughts like “you are not good enough”, “you need to lose weight”, and “you shouldn’t eat that”. It is the voice […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized

April 3, 2023

Identifying and Challenging the ED Voice