“Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do.” This commonly used quote amplifies what fitness is when we don’t connect it to body image, calories, or a weight and size. How you think about fitness and physical activity can affect your motivation to work out. It can also impact how successful you are […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

January 17, 2022

Fitness Doesn’t Have a Look

Overhead view of a pile of fitness equipment including weights, jump rope, headphones, yoga mat, running shoes, water bottle, and an apple

It’s the New Year and diet culture is everywhere you look. With weight loss talk and fad diets around every corner, food rules can almost seem normal– but that doesn’t mean they are serving you. How can you tell if diet culture and food guilt are causing you more harm than good? (hint: they probably […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition

January 10, 2022

Food Guilt: is it Getting In Your Way?

The New Year is here and it’s time to celebrate! For some, it is also the time to set new goals, new intentions, and new mindsets.  Before setting any resolutions, spend some time reflecting on the year that’s passed. Maybe the goals and intentions you had set came from the wrong place. Maybe diet culture […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

January 3, 2022

Things to Leave in 2021 this New Year

The holidays are filled with great food, drinks and social activities. It is a time to enjoy what is going on around you and not count calories or be worried about eating “clean” foods. Food is an important part of day to day life and serves a purpose much larger than “fuel” (check out my […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Women's Health

December 30, 2021

Food Freedom Reminders for the Holidays

hands holding holiday hot chocolate with marshmallows on a wooden table. Candy canes and presents surround the hot chocolate on the table

It’s tough to enjoy the holidays when you’re stressing out about how many calories are in Grandma’s Christmas cookies. Or maybe you’re worrying about how far you have to run to burn off the treats at the holiday party. It doesn’t have to be this way! This season, let’s spread holiday cheer, not diet culture. […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Women's Health

December 20, 2021

Using Intuitive Eating to Navigate the Holidays

Christmas gingerbread cookies laid out on a white table

What motivates you to exercise? Depending on your reasons, it may be time to adjust your mindset. Intuitive exercise is engaging in a workout based on what your body needs and enjoys. You may have heard of intuitive eating. Intuitive exercise follows the same principles of connecting and listening to your mind and body to […]

Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

December 15, 2021

Are You Practicing Intuitive Exercise?

Two women sitting on yoga mats practicing yoga. The women are facing away from the camera, are seated crosslegged, and have their hands in prayer behind their backs.

Bone health is often something we don’t pay much attention to when we’re young. We don’t typically think about the importance of it until we age and the consequences become our reality. Unfortunately, in contrast, the majority of the impact that we have on our bone health occurs at a much younger age. In fact, […]

Eating Disorders, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

November 29, 2021

Bone Health and Injury Prevention

Under-eating goes way beyond hunger pangs. One big sign of under-eating is developing a lack of control around food. Calories matter because they have the important job of keeping you alive. Cutting calories to the point where you’re not getting enough can negatively impact your overall health in big ways. Under-eating can disrupt your hormones, […]

Eating Disorders, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

November 21, 2021

A Lack of Control Around Food: A Sign that You’re Under-Eating

non-diet dietitian today

It is about to be the most wonderful time of the year! It is also the time of year where “health” coaches promote their challenges, plans, and programs in full force. In addition to these messages, we are also bombarded with “tips” such as: “to burn off _____ you need to do ____ squats/burpees/sprints”. Food […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Women's Health

November 15, 2021

You Don’t Need to “Burn Off” Your Food

Do you find yourself overcome with guilt or shame after eating your favorite foods because you feel like you’ve failed another diet? Do you apologize for “being bad” when ordering french fries or get anxious when someone brings donuts to the office? It doesn’t have to be this way! “Making peace with food” (one of […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

November 8, 2021

Three Tips for Getting Rid of Food Guilt