Are You Practicing Intuitive Exercise?

  1. […] nutrition, incorporating enjoyable forms of movement into daily life can be beneficial for hormone balance. Working with dietitians who use non-diet […]

  2. […] yourself freedom to intuitively choose the movement that feels good when it feels good. With this you are more likely to reap these […]

  3. […] Exercise freedom is a part of food freedom. This season can be extremely chaotic and if getting a workout in daily doesn’t fit into your schedule, no problem! Being able to prioritize your life events without feeling the need to “burn” off food or earn your food is the most important thing of exercise freedom. Take the time to sit and relax this holiday season without the guilt of not exercising!  […]

  4. […] As we often say around here, working out should be fun. Exercise is an act of self care, not a punishment. Just because a workout routine “worked” for you in the past doesn’t mean you need to stick to it for life if it makes you miserable. You won’t “lose progress” by switching it up and trying something new. In fact, you may feel yourself get stronger with change. Instead, experiment with different types of movements, maybe something you have always wanted to try.  […]

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