Do you have light, short, or missing menstrual periods? Although an “easier” or missing period may sound nice, abnormal periods are just that…not normal. As we always say, our bodies are extremely smart. When something isn’t quite right, our bodies will let us know one way or another. For women, our periods can be a […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

February 6, 2023

Why Your Periods Are Abnormal

Do you feel like you are doing everything right but are still not making any gains from your workouts? Maybe you are training consistently, are pushing yourself in the gym, are prioritizing rest days, and feel like your diet is pretty healthy. However, you are not feeling any improvements in your strength or energy, and […]

Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

January 30, 2023

Why You’re Not Seeing Gains from Your Workouts

A woman is on a stationary bike in spin class. Extreme exercise like this can impact your period

What is a DEXA scan? Do I need to get one? In honour of World Osteoporosis Day last week on October 20th, let’s talk about bone health. Healthy bones are essential to living a long and quality life. Thus, we should make it a priority to take care of our bones. If you are looking […]

Eating Disorders, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

October 24, 2022

Should You Get a DEXA Scan?