Have you ever heard the phrase, toxic gym culture? We all know physical activity is great for both our mental and physical health. There are many different types of exercises and places to exercise. Some people dance, swim, run, cycle or lift weights. Some people enjoy working out at home or prefer to go to […]

Health at Every Size, Sports Nutrition

January 16, 2024

Toxic Gym Culture

kettlebells weights gym 1

A registered dietitian (RD) undergoes many years of school and training before they can qualify to take their RD credentialing exam. Many people do not realize that in order to become a certified sports dietitian, a dietitian has to do even more training. In order gain the Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) credential a […]

Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

January 3, 2024

Top 5 Reasons To Work With a Sports RD 

Sport Nutrition Waterbottle Salmon Avocado Jumrope

By now, social media has integrated itself into our daily lives. Systems like screen time limits and self imposed timers may help us decrease our screen time and exposure to social media. However, at the end of the day, if you’re surrounding yourself with a toxic online environment, no matter how little time you spend […]


September 11, 2023

Edits for a Better Body Image – How Social Media Impacts Body Image

The idea of body or weight changes may feel scary during recovery or in healing your relationship with food. If you are feeling this way, you are not alone and it is fully understandable. Sometimes weight gain may be necessary in recovery if you are underweight or are experiencing symptoms that you are below your […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

February 27, 2023

Navigating Weight Change Fears in Recovery