Have you ever ignored a missing or irregular period thinking it was a normal part of training for a sport as a female athlete? Have you ever considered a missing period when training as a badge of honor that you are training hard? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not […]

Eating Disorders, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

September 4, 2023

Female Athletes: Is a Missing Period Due to Exercise?

Many of you have likely heard of disordered eating but, have you heard of RED-S? Disordered eating is an eating pattern that restricts or limits intake of overall energy or certain foods types/categories. When disordered eating is severe an athlete can be in a state of low energy availability which can lead them to the […]

Sports Nutrition

August 1, 2023

Is it RED-S or Disordered Eating?

A woman rejects a plate of donuts before learning what happens when you stop dieting