Amongst the active population it is often more likely to be under-fueling than over-fueling. As an athlete or active individual have you ever stopped and asked yourself “Am I eating enough?” It can be difficult to decide if you are eating enough when all you see are diets and cleanses on your social media feeds. […]

Sports Nutrition

July 3, 2023

Signs and Symptoms of Under-Fueling

Hydration is one of the most important topics when it comes to nutrition for active women. However, it’s often overlooked due to busy schedules, diet culture myths, and being seen as a lower priority. Active women can be at a higher risk for dehydration and hydration-related issues for several reasons. Here’s a few reasons to […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

May 9, 2022

Why Hydration is Essential for Active Women

Our digestion can have a huge impact not only on our health but our mental wellbeing. If we aren’t digesting food properly we can experience overall discomfort, pain and disruption to our daily lives. For many people, poor digestion can lead to feeling isolated and even frustrated with your body. So, let’s talk about it! […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Women's Health

August 25, 2021

How Diet Affects Digestion