Assessing your Relationship with Movement We have all heard that regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. There’s no doubt that physical activity does the body good. For example, exercise can reduce risks of cancer, heart disease, and type II diabetes. It can also boost our mood, stress tolerance, and sleep quality. […]

Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

August 8, 2022

What is Joyful Movement?

Life as an athlete is hard. Life as an athlete who’s time competing comes to an end is HARDER. For most athletes, everything you do is to get better at your sport. Every time you step into the weight room or run a mile you usually aren’t just doing it for yourself. You are doing […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

August 31, 2021

From Athlete to Intuitive Exerciser