It’s Monday and you feel like you ate a little too much food at that BBQ on the weekend. You feel guilty, but you tell yourself you will “make-up” for it over the next couple of days. You may decide to eat a little less or exercise extra hard to “burn it off”… We are […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized

August 22, 2022

Why You Don’t Need to “Burn Off” Your Food

Diet culture can lead you to believe that exercise is a tool for weight loss and nothing else. However, there’s no doubt that there are lots of great reasons to move your body. When the sole reason you are exercising is to change your body, exercise can feel like a miserable chore. It doesn’t have […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

August 15, 2022

Reasons to Exercise Other Than Weight Loss

yellow dumbbells, blue water bottle, blue scale, green jump rope, against a pink background

The holidays are filled with great food, drinks and social activities. It is a time to enjoy what is going on around you and not count calories or be worried about eating “clean” foods. Food is an important part of day to day life and serves a purpose much larger than “fuel” (check out my […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Women's Health

December 30, 2021

Food Freedom Reminders for the Holidays

hands holding holiday hot chocolate with marshmallows on a wooden table. Candy canes and presents surround the hot chocolate on the table

Life as an athlete is hard. Life as an athlete who’s time competing comes to an end is HARDER. For most athletes, everything you do is to get better at your sport. Every time you step into the weight room or run a mile you usually aren’t just doing it for yourself. You are doing […]

Eating Disorders, Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

August 31, 2021

From Athlete to Intuitive Exerciser