
In today’s world, stories of resilience and overcoming challenges are a dime a dozen. But every once in a while, we encounter a story so profound that it deserves to be shared and celebrated. On our latest Mind Your Fitness episode, we spotlight an inspiring conversation with Adrianne Haslet. Adrianne is a Boston Marathon survivor, […]

Sports Nutrition, Women's Health

December 18, 2023

Embracing Change and Overcoming Challenges: An Inspiring Conversation with Adrianne Haslet


In the world of sport, weight tends to carry a LOT of weight in determining ability and performance. Some coaches, parents, and athletes use body weight as a metric of fitness. However, as we discussed in this blog post HERE, fitness doesn’t really have anything to do with body shape or size. Why is weight […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

June 28, 2023

Why Athletes Shouldn’t Focus on Weight