Many of you have likely heard of disordered eating but, have you heard of RED-S? Disordered eating is an eating pattern that restricts or limits intake of overall energy or certain foods types/categories. When disordered eating is severe an athlete can be in a state of low energy availability which can lead them to the […]

Sports Nutrition

August 1, 2023

Is it RED-S or Disordered Eating?

A woman rejects a plate of donuts before learning what happens when you stop dieting

Our digestion can have a huge impact not only on our health but our mental wellbeing. If we aren’t digesting food properly we can experience overall discomfort, pain and disruption to our daily lives. For many people, poor digestion can lead to feeling isolated and even frustrated with your body. So, let’s talk about it! […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Women's Health

August 25, 2021

How Diet Affects Digestion