Many of you have likely heard of disordered eating but, have you heard of RED-S? Disordered eating is an eating pattern that restricts or limits intake of overall energy or certain foods types/categories. When disordered eating is severe an athlete can be in a state of low energy availability which can lead them to the […]

Sports Nutrition

August 1, 2023

Is it RED-S or Disordered Eating?

A woman rejects a plate of donuts before learning what happens when you stop dieting

In the world of sport, weight tends to carry a LOT of weight in determining ability and performance. Some coaches, parents, and athletes use body weight as a metric of fitness. However, as we discussed in this blog post HERE, fitness doesn’t really have anything to do with body shape or size. Why is weight […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

June 28, 2023

Why Athletes Shouldn’t Focus on Weight

What is the “Eating Disorder Voice”? The “eating disorder (ED) voice” is what we call the voice in someone’s head that drives their eating disorder. It is the voice that is responsible for negative thoughts like “you are not good enough”, “you need to lose weight”, and “you shouldn’t eat that”. It is the voice […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized

April 3, 2023

Identifying and Challenging the ED Voice

The idea of body or weight changes may feel scary during recovery or in healing your relationship with food. If you are feeling this way, you are not alone and it is fully understandable. Sometimes weight gain may be necessary in recovery if you are underweight or are experiencing symptoms that you are below your […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

February 27, 2023

Navigating Weight Change Fears in Recovery

Eating disorders affect around 9% of the population. Even though they are common, they are often still viewed as taboo. With a lack of discussion around this topic, these disorders can be greatly misunderstood. Therefore, here are 6 things we think you should know about eating disorders: 1. Genetics Play a Role What causes EDs? […]

Eating Disorders, Men's Health, Uncategorized, Women's Health

July 11, 2022

Eating Disorders: 6 Things to Know

broken plate between a fork and a knife

It’s important for coaches to know that disordered eating and eating disorders are not uncommon in athletes. These behaviours tend to be most common in sports with weight classes (ex. wrestling and rowing) or aesthetics (ex. bodybuilding and gymnastics). In these sports, 33% of male athletes and 62% of female athletes experience disordered eating. Coaches […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

June 20, 2022

Tips for Coaches: Detecting and Preventing Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

This year, let’s stop worrying about getting a summer “beach body”. Memorial Day is around the corner which means it’s the unofficial start of summer. The days are longer, the sun is brighter, and the beach is calling your name. Vacation, BBQs and relaxing at the shore may all sound like a great break from […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Non-Diet Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

May 30, 2022

Why You Don’t Need a Summer Beach Body

straw hat, blue flipflops and blue and pink towel on a pink summer background