Protein, along with carbohydrates and fats, is considered one of the most necessary nutrients to the body. It is essential for so many processes in the body, including growth, muscle and cell repair, chemical reactions, protection and muscle contraction. Protein also acts as transport carriers throughout the body for things like vitamins, minerals, and oxygen. […]

PROTEIN, Sports Nutrition

July 16, 2024

Can a High Protein Diet Cause Constipation?

If something isn’t quite right with our diet or eating habits, our bodies will eventually let us know. The way and how much you eat directly impacts how your body functions. Food is essential for fueling every process in your body from blinking to keeping your heart beating. Thus, it makes sense that a diet […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized, Women's Health

January 16, 2023

Signs Your Eating Habits Need to Change

We all know that our diet and eating habits play a big role in our overall health. If you are an athlete or active person, your eating habits also play an essential part in your training and progression. However, with messages all around telling us what and how much to eat, it can become hard […]

Eating Disorders, Non-Diet Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

November 15, 2022

Signs You Should Change Your Eating Habits

Our digestion can have a huge impact not only on our health but our mental wellbeing. If we aren’t digesting food properly we can experience overall discomfort, pain and disruption to our daily lives. For many people, poor digestion can lead to feeling isolated and even frustrated with your body. So, let’s talk about it! […]

Health at Every Size, Men's Health, Women's Health

August 25, 2021

How Diet Affects Digestion