Do you feel like there is a calorie calculator in your mind that you can’t shut off? Tracking calories is a common part of many diets/weight loss attempts, but that doesn’t mean it is serving you!
Letting go of control of counting calories may feel scary. However, limiting this practice can decrease stress, exhaustion and obsession surrounding foods. Over time, it becomes easier to start making intuitive food choices.
Here are 3 tips to get you started:
Diet culture falsely leads us to believe that calories are something to be feared & avoided. But, what even is a calorie? Quick science lesson – A calorie is simply a measure of energy, provided by food. Just like a car needs gas to get from point A to point B, your body NEEDS energy as fuel to live. Breathing, beating your heart, & thinking with your brain ALL require energy (aka calories). Not to mention the many other body functions that happen every day! So, rather than fearing calories, let’s reframe these amazing units of energy. Calories are something that should be celebrated for giving us fuel to live!
Byeeeee MyFitnessPal! It’s time to break up with food tracking app & start listening to your body. Deleting calorie tracking apps from your phone & refraining from reading food labels might feel like you are letting go of control. Instead, think of it as taking back your life & headspace from diet culture.
Do you find your eyes drawn to the number of calories next to foods when you are out to eat? Do you make food choices based off what offers the least amount of calories? It’s time to embracing intuitive eating and let go of calorie counting. By doing so, you can start to make food decisions based on how you feel without the guilt. What is going to provide your body with energy and satisfaction? What looks the most delicious? You deserve to eat all kinds of foods, not just the ones with less calories! As you start to listen to your inner hunger cues and choose more nutrient dense & appealing options, you will likely have more energy, satisfaction and enjoyment surrounding foods.
Are you ready to stop counting calories and take back your life from diet culture? Our anti-diet dietitians are here to support you! Learn more about our services here.